搜索 Hatik

  • 无烟煤
    Investigating a murder linked to a collective suicide which took place 30 years previously in a small village in the Alps. This mini-series is steered by Anthracite Productions (of the Mediawan Group).
  • 无烟煤第一季
      Investigating a murder linked to a collective suicide which took place 30 years previously in a small village in the Alps. This mini-series is steered by Anthracite Productions (of the Mediawan Group).
  • 一个住在巴黎的年轻人阿明,沉迷于电影的他放弃了学医之后,回到法国南部的家乡度假。他出生于一个阿拉伯裔家庭,家里经营着一个突尼斯风味餐厅。他和表哥托尼整天在自家餐厅、附近的酒吧、小镇边缘的海滩游荡,享受着美好的夏日。他们结识了来自尼斯的两个女孩儿Charlotte和ysgou.cc Celine。本地和外地的女孩们纷纷对表兄弟俩抛去橄榄枝,托尼…